The Aussie Mega Mall will only showcase 100% Australian stores. Stores that employ Australians and ship from Australia.
Super Store features that simplify selling

100% Australian stores

250+ shopping aisles
Shopping has never been easier with more than 250 aisles to shop in. No typing, just click an aisle and start shopping.

30,000+ Aussie stores
The largest collection of Australian online stores. More than 30,000 Australian online stores are being showcased.

Super Store Location
Only 5 stores in the aisle of “.” can be a Super Store sitting on the second line. It is a Premium position in any aisle and is very limited.

Digital Business Card
Have your business card handed out and shared 24/7. When a shopper gets real excited about finding you they can tell all of their friends.

SMS Sharing
Exclusive to premium stores, your digital business card and contact details can be shared by SMS. No charges or fees apply.

Share via Social Pages
Let shoppers share your digital business card in every way possible. Get the shopper to your social pages in one easy click. Build up your likes, all built into your Premium location.

Payment Methods
Shoppers can now shop using their payment of choice. If they want to shop using VISA Card then they click the VISA card button and only stores accepting VISA card show up

Your own Mini Mall
When you find a good store then you just want to keep shopping in it. Click the heart icon of any store and that store will appear in your own Mini Mall.

Making changes it at your discretion. You can redirect your logo to any page on your website, update your social icons and change your payment methods and so much more.

How many clicks to your website, how many clicks to your social pages. Premium members get full analytics about their online store in a simple to read platform

Swapping old stock
Congratulations you are able to secure one of the five
Super Store locations in the aisle “.” before your competition does.